Sodiq Kolayo Preaching guide and orientation of Preachers in Nigeria - (توجيه الدعوة و الدعاة في نيجيريا و غرب أفريقيا) 28-Jun-2020INTRODUCTION-TO-THE-RESEARCH--(توجيه-الدعوة-و-الدعاة) alt=

INTRODUCTION TO THE RESEARCH (توجيه الدعوة و الدعاة)

The people of Nigeria and West Africa knew Islam through North Africa to the Sahara desert by the caravans passing through the north and west from the days of the Phoenicians, the Romans and the Arabs who were transporting goods between the two places.

The people of those countries knew the doctrine of Islam with the Maliki Junaidi and Ash'ari schools of thought and its types, and they were studying Islam from these three schools. More so, they do command their children by repeating Ibn A'shir word when receiving the principles of religion:

"In the doctrine of Al-Ashari and the jurisprudence of Malik and in the manner of Junaid, you should behave."

However, the sources of Islamic rulings on belief, worship and habit do not exceed three, which are the HOLY BOOK(AL-QURAN), the SUNNAH and the ANALOGY, unlike the people of Al-Zahir as Ibn Hazm who denies the Analogy, then another source was introduced, which is the CONSENSUS on some matters and the difference in some of them, unlike the Salafis who denied the consensus other than that of the Companions of the Prophet in accordance with Ibn Hanbal’s saying:-

"Whoever claims consensus is a liar. ”

And another source called (THE APPROVAL) was annexed by Malik and others, unlike Al-Shafi’i who said: “Whoever approves a case has legislated."

But the diversity of thoughts of the Scholars was originally mercy for the Islamic nation, then it became a curse by the improper actions of the fanatics of theories and doctrines. As a result, Muslims dispersed into sects and parties, blaspheming each other with infidelity by an ordinary dissimilarity of views in the fundamentals and branches of belief,  rightly and unlawfully, under the slogan of combating heresies(innovations). And no one had ever said that the innovator is an infidel, even if he is lewd.

The scholars differed concerning the determination of heresy and the fact that some things are innovation or not, or that some of them are forbidden, hated, permissible or good.

And there is in every cities and era, A person that do notify heresies and working to revive the Sunnah within the limits of his strength. The noble Prophet, -peace and blessings be upon him- said that; "A sect among my nation will still be active on the truth and they cannot be harmed by those that fail them until Allah’s victory comes while they still remain unchanged } Narrated by Muslim.

And the most famous of those who fought against innovation after the righteous predecessors' scholars, are: Imam Al-Ghazali, then Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, then Ibn Hajj al-Maghribi, then Imam Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his contemporary, Sheikh Othman bin Foudi and their ilks in the East, West, India, Sind and other Islamic countries.

The act of favouring the good and forbidding the bad was quite a job of every diligent, pious and devoted scholar in the form of advice and guidance, in every Muslim country ruled by a Muslim ruler.

But in a non-Muslim country ruled by an unbeliever, then the preacher has to change the improper behaviour of the masses by his heart first( by praying for them), then secondly with his tongue, (by giving advice or counselling),  and then with his pen thirdly, and with his sword, if he could do so with soldiers and ammunitions finally (if condition warrants that).

Even the correction of immorality in any Islamic country does not suddenly amount to beaten and war except with the permission of the Muslim ruler who implements the rulings of Allah and do emphasize on his borderlines among people. Or else the matter will result in chaos, turmoil and awakening of sedition. But in a non-Muslim country ruled by a disbeliever, it will not be with the sword Except by soldiers and ammunition, and that is impossible to happen today.

The scholars have unanimously agreed that enjoining the good and forbidding the bad if it eventually leads to something that is more violent and a destructive, then it is not obligatory, then we have to follow the Almighty, saying: -

(O you who believe! take care of your souls; he who errs cannot hurt you when you are on the right way).

Our Master Omar said: “If you see that stinginess is obeyed, and vagary is followed, and self-gratification of views is allowed, then take care of your souls!".



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