Qatru Team Understanding of Islam 05-Sep-2020AL-ILORI-THE-GREAT-SCHOLAR-WITH-MODERATE-APPROACH--(-العلّامة-الإلوري-الوسطي-المنهج-) alt=

AL-ILORI THE GREAT SCHOLAR WITH MODERATE APPROACH ( العلّامة الإلوري الوسطي المنهج )

This is a knowledgeable response to those that counted Al-Ilori as a source of the terrorist sect in Nigeria, "Boko Haram".

I recently found an article published on the Internet (the portal of the Islamic movements) since August 2014 AD, written by a man whose identity is vague, as expressed by The Morrocan Brother Kamaludeen Agnannas who copied it and surrounded us with its knowledge and made aware of the need to establish responses to debunk it so that our silence would not mean our approval - we the good Markazites  - for the writer of the article, may God reward him(The Morrocan) for this awareness.

The article, as I read it from its link, I perceived that it was deprived by the lack of investigation, the deficiency of verification and the wasting of the Islamic integrity, in addition to the hysteria that prompted its owner to deliberately undermine the great scholar Al-Ilori and broadcasted the evil against his bright good personality because Sheikh Adam Abdullah Al-Ilori - may Allah shower mercy on him - is known for his moderate approach among the people of Nigeria. Muslims, Christians, and even atheists and pagans - indeed, in all parts of the Islamic world, everyone recognized him with his moderate approach, and that his method of advocacy is a purely educational and cultural one, that goes with the spirit of the age, as there is no connection between his advocacy and the reform movements and between terrorism and detestable extremism.

And this indicates that the author of the article was overcome by mental illness, so he made in it, the error of analogy and that he is not considered as a good researcher who investigates his equalization between the great scholar Al-Ilori and a man called Daud Imran Malasa Al-Iwowi. and where is Daud to be compared with Sheik Adam? And his scientific advocacy movements? What is he?.

As for the sheikh’s connection with Imam Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, it was only a contemporary relation, not of a student with his teacher as he claimed, nor of the Murid to his Sheikh as he had assumed, and that assumption is, partially, a sin. The Prophet - PBUH- said: "refrain from assumptions because it is the most falsifier of the word".

Among what indicated that the relationship between Sheik and Imam was only contemporal, no exceptional,  was that Al-Ilori disagreed with the Muslims Brotherhood in many matters, including the slogan of martyrdom for the sake of Allah.

As for his exclusiveness to work on the Arabic language and not taking the English language with it, Sheikh himself had answered that in his book “The Conflict between English and Arabic in Nigeria,” where he concluded that the English had three supporters in Nigeria, firstly the Brutal British Colonialism, secondly, Malevolent Christianity, thirdly are some Muslims who were brainwashed in their affairs, they were those that joined the English procession and fully believed that the only intellectual was the one who could speak the English language fluently, and at that time there was nothing left for Arabic in terms of supporter other than some Muslims who are jealous of their religion and language, and they are few in numbers.

It is as though Sheikh Al-Ilori, may God have mercy on him, was created for Arabic and the Islamic religion, so the work was limited to the Arabic language only and did not carry English along with it so that he would not join the corps of those who work for English unknowingly - and this friend of ours referred in his article to some of these facts -

And this was the reason why Al-Ilori, may Allah have mercy on him, wanted us, his students to be affectionate with the Arabic language and to converse with it. You can't see him brag of the English language and he does not speak it except when necessary.

As for carrying out this tremendous work on his shoulders alone and he did not hand it over to the government and did not put it under the administration of one of the Arab countries, the answer to both is one, and that is what is called self-sufficiency, and this is the secret of his success in his advocacy movements as he succeeded brilliantly because his Islamic perspective made him understand that incorporation under a civil government or a foreign country will impede his goal and success. He felt the experience of that upon his return from his educational trip, where he cooperated with Ansaru-l-deen group as a teacher in Alakuru Lagos and did not stay long until he left for Abeokuta, where he established his great Markaz in 1952.

Al-Ilori saw complete freedom and total independence in self-reliance, and according to his observations, he saw that gaining of the vanities of the government or the external Arab state is not permanent and its termination will suddenly lead to failure. He does not depend on local or foreign governments so that he will not become like the patient whose illness was complained to the doctor and the latter was the cause of his illness.

"How do I complain to my doctor what befell me, while what harmed me is from my doctor?"

Al-Ilori referred to this point (self-reliance) in a speech he delivered to the African Coordination Council in Dakar Senegal in 1403 AH under the title “Devotion to Allah and self-reliance are among the success's factors of the da'wah in every time and place” from the book Harvest of Occasions, p. 37.

It is worth noting that the author of the article was struck by historical lapses about the birthplace of Sheikh, just as there was random confusion about the Sheikh’s educational trip to Al-Azhar. Sometimes you see him proving that Sheikh met with Imam Hassan Al-Banna in 1944 and another time he states that the sheikh visited Al-Azhar in 1946. Contradiction? And there are many other things that we cannot afford to mention.

Finally, the greats and giants such as Sheikh Adam Abdullah Al-Ilori were berated and the gossip will be said about them intentionally or unintentionally, and that does not detract from their value. For them is to say and for we - his righteous students - is to be rebuffing them with a knowledgeable and impregnable response.

Where are these unknown people - of unknown origin and entity - when great people like Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who declared that the scholar Al-Ilori “is one of the sincere scholars of Nigeria for whom Allah has provided the opportunity to learn and teach Arabic.”

There are hundreds of scholars of Islam - the Nigerians among them and others - who acknowledged for our Sheikh The Great Scholar Al-Ilori his truth and praised his integrity. Among them are Sheikh Kamalu-deen Al-Adabi, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Al-Aql, one of the scholars of Makkah al-Mukarramah, Sheikh Bahahu-deen Al-Amiri, Sheikh Malam Nasir Al-Kabari, and the sheikh of Al-Azhar, Dr Abdul Rahman Baydar, and Sheikh Ahmad Fal Al-Shanqeeti, the writer of Sayyid Ibn Omar and his companion to Nigeria in 1949 AD, and their likes and their ilks ........

In spite of all this, no one is exceptional of the saying of someone, and even the Master of Creation Muhammad (PBUH), has been referred about what was said, May Allah rewards the sayer of this:

"And none from the tongues of the people is safe, even if he is that pure Prophet"

Abu Al-'Alaa Al-Maari said:

"My sins are considered to be many among my people,

And I have no fault except for the honour and virtues.

My fame has trended through the country,

Or who has the power to conceal the sun of its integrated light?"

Almighty Allah said: "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah refuses but to perfect His light even if the unbelievers hate it."(Taobat:32). The great truth of God..........

May God shower his mercy on him and reward him for Islam and the Arabic language, the best reward and prolong the life of our educator, the director of the centre, His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Habibullah Adam Abdullah Al-Ilori, and make us among the best of his righteous students.

Written in Arabic by:

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Olawore, "Al-Mustaqim Billah"

The Arabic and Islamic Educational Center, Agege, Lagos, Nigeria.

Source: Facebook/ Qaudri Olawore. January 16, 2017.

Translated by:



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comments and thoughts Sodiq Kolayo 05-Sep-2020 Kindly read, comment and share.

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comments and thoughts Olayinka Aare 05-Sep-2020 May Almighty cont to shower is blessing on sheikh Adam grave, and may he cont to bless our mudeer Sheikh Habeebllah

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