Understanding of Islam This particularized for the right understanding of Islam.
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Qatru Team 07-Sep-2020



Among the reformatory revival for the corrupted conditions in African society that the religiously inclined people stood up against it since the middle of the last century by educating the Muslims not to be named after a country.

Al-Allori said: "And it is a common mistake that we have in West Africa to name some people by names of countries that they do not know. They are not affiliated with it at all, but rather they took it simultaneously with the names of some of the righteous saints such as As-Suyuti after Al-Rahman, Ar-Rifa`i for his name Ahmad, Al-Desouki for Ibrahim, Al-Ghadamesi, Al-Basiri, Al-Muhali, At-Tihami, As-Sanusi, and so on.

It is better, to return to the origin of the names, and to deny affiliation with countries to which only its people belong to it.

What caused us to be in the valley of questions and amazement with what we now see among the students was the affiliation of some students to the lineage of great poets, such as Al-Manfalouti or Al-Baroudi, or to

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Qatru Team 06-Sep-2020



The eyes became moistened with tears, the ribs dried up from the beds and the hearts were almost bleeding with grieve and pity on what was said about our father Sheikh Adam by a miserable person and an inverted writer (may God treat him as he deserves) Amin!

Our honourable brother Mr Shakirullah Agnannas (the richest people) has drawn our attention seriously, and in a blatant way, to something very important. It is an article that was published on the screens (internet) long and long ago.

The article in itself bears myths, lies and superstitions that were intended to tarnish the personality of the great scholar Al-Ilori, and for the declamation of deception on his educational biography that is full of mighty works, and to distort his life and advocacy career under the title: The Muslim Brotherhood in Nigeria (Boko Haram - the legitimate son of the group).

And I said: ( they are nothing but names that you and your fathers called them, God has not revealed any authority to them,

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Qatru Team 05-Sep-2020


AL-ILORI THE GREAT SCHOLAR WITH MODERATE APPROACH ( العلّامة الإلوري الوسطي المنهج )

This is a knowledgeable response to those that counted Al-Ilori as a source of the terrorist sect in Nigeria, "Boko Haram".

I recently found an article published on the Internet (the portal of the Islamic movements) since August 2014 AD, written by a man whose identity is vague, as expressed by The Morrocan Brother Kamaludeen Agnannas who copied it and surrounded us with its knowledge and made aware of the need to establish responses to debunk it so that our silence would not mean our approval - we the good Markazites  - for the writer of the article, may God reward him(The Morrocan) for this awareness.

The article, as I read it from its link, I perceived that it was deprived by the lack of investigation, the deficiency of verification and the wasting of the Islamic integrity, in addition to the hysteria that prompted its owner to deliberately undermine the great scholar Al-Ilori and broadcasted the evil against his bright good personality because Sheikh Adam Abdullah Al-Ilori -

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Sodiq Kolayo 06-Aug-2020



العلامة الإلوري وقضية الانحناء عند التحية.

In the name of Allah, who is the helper, and in Him we trust, and may Almighty bless and grant peace, to the best of Adnan's son, his family, his companions, and all the people of faith.

And after that, I have received a dialogue of those who deserve nothing but thanks and appreciation, and I admitted thanks to him, his nobility, the generosity of his branch and origin, and I obeyed his high morals, his popularity and highness according to him and his lineage, and I acknowledge the perfection of his brain and his narration and the beauty of his creation and behaviour, it is the great professor and the able Dr Sheikh Dawood Abdul Baqi Muhammad (may Allah be prolong his lifetime).

Why won't I thank his excellency?! He is studying and following our Sheikh Al-ilory The great scholar with all respect and honour in this a time that its face is blatant and the splendour of its appearance has gone and its s

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Sodiq Kolayo 29-Feb-2020


Nigerian islamic Marriage.

*Knowledge of Islam Concerning Marriage*


Types of Marriage in Nigeria

In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings are upon the messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, we commend your keenness on getting your self well-acquainted with Islam teaching.

Q 4:1, Allah proclaimed marriage.

There are four types of Marriage practice in Nigeria:

1. Statutory /Civil


3 Religious


*Statutory/Civil marriage*: This is the legal marriage described by *official marriage Act* and this Union is ```Monogamous```; that is one man to one woman.

*Customary Marriage*: These types of Marriage respect each ethics group, custom and it's generally accepted. It is a mutual agreement between a couple and the *parental consent are two must-have* *conditions for the Customary wedding* ceremony to be *LEGIT*.

*Religious marriage:* This can be subdivided depending on the type of religion. It

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Sodiq Kolayo 08-Jan-2020

15 discoveries by the Muslims

15 Muslim Inventions That Changed The World

By Zermina Naveed

Here is a list of everyday inventions we use and had NO idea that they were actually invented or contributed to by Muslims. The books we are taught never told us the truth about how the things that we use every day came into being.  I bet many of you didn’t know more than half of these were invented by Muslims. Some of the Muslim inventions are stated as under:

1. Hospitals

The Ahmed Ibn Tulun hospital was the first-ever hospital with nurses and a training center, set up in Cairo. It was established in the year 872 and also facilitated the people with an inbuilt mosque. All patients received free health care – a Muslim tradition that was institutionalized with the advent of the hospital.

2. Coffee

Bet you didn’t know this one.

3. The Toothbrush

The concept was derived from the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who was an avid user of ‘Meswak’, which is one of the

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yusuf olalekan 28-Dec-2019

Understanding Islam

Every religion of the world has been named either '

after the name of its founder or after the community and nation in which that religion took its birth. For instance, Christianity takes its appellation from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ ; Buddhisn'i from its founder Gautama Buddha ; Zoroastrianism from its founder Zoroaster ; and Judaism, the religion of the Jews, from the name of the tribe Judah (of the Country of Judea) wherein it took its birth. Similar is the case with other religions. But not so with Islam. This religion enjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people. The word ‘Islam’ does not convey any such relationship-for it does not belong to any particular person, people, or country. It is neither the product of any human mind nor is it confined to any particular community. It is a universal religion and its objective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of Islam.

‘Islam,’ as a mat

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Sodiq Kolayo 05-Dec-2019

The Meaning Of Islam

Every religion of the world has been named either after the name of its founder or after the community and nation in which that religion took its birth .

For instance , Christianity takes its appellation from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ ; Buddhism from its founder Gautama Buddha ; Zoroastrianism from its founder Zoroaster ; and Judaism , the religion of the jews , from the name of the tribe Judah (of the country of Judea) wherein it took its birth . Similar is the case with other religions . But not so with Islam . This religion enjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people . The word 'Islam' does not convey any such relationship - for it does not belong to any particular community . It is a universal religion and its objective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of Islam .

'Islam,' as a matter of fact , is an attribute title . Whosoever possesses this attribute , may he belong to any race , comm

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