From Cradle to Maturity

From Cradle to Maturity An intellectual guide for students by : Tijani Rasaq Olatunji
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yusuf olalekan 28-Sep-2020



here is this popular Arabian proverb “Whoever discovers himself will never perish ”. It can also be said that any student who discovers himself will never fail. Everybody knows that the business of a student is to study. What to study? How to study? When to study? And even where to study? Are critical questions that beg for answers. You cannotjust choose a course of study, when it does not correlate with your talents. Who you are should be in line with what you are doing. When it comes to argument, some people do better than their peers. Reasonable points come to their mind one after the others without stress, without racking their brains. Such people will surely perform better if they study law or law-related courses. As a student, if you choose to study a course related to your talent, you will excel with ease rather than labouring on something outside your strength Zone. John C Maxwell wrote, “To be successful, you can't just run

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yusuf olalekan 27-Sep-2020


Most parents all over the world usually long for their children to grow up into well-mannered individuals and give the proper respect to Other people. This is why character development is an important part in their studies, because success in life does not always rely on academic achievement rather, moral upbringing is going to be a useful tool to them as they engage and interact with other people in society. This argument was succinctly put in a quote credited to David O. Mckay Thus,

“True education does not consist merely in the acquiring of a few facts of science, history, literature, or art, but in the development of character: ”

Sadly, we live in a society without role models, where millions of students are taught the wrong values or no values at all. This culture of callousness has led to a staggering achievement gap, moral decadence, cultism and crime, school violence, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol abuse. Unfortunately, moral values s

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yusuf olalekan 27-Sep-2020


To my Creator, who loves and never forsakes me for a moment in spite of myself.


My first educator, my lost jewel of inestimable value, my mother, late Mrs. Taiwo Adejoke Huzeinat Tijani, who fed me to satisfaction, with milk of wisdom and morals.


yusuf olalekan 27-Sep-2020


With the utmost sense of humility and sincerity, I present my ever. insufficient gratitude to the Almighty Allah, who majestically designed and created the universe and all therein. As one of his wonderful creatures, I am always indebted to the All-providing for his abundant mercy and blessings in my life. As a matter of fact, this book is a product of His grace in my life. To my wonderful conveying vehicles to the world, my parents,

Mr Tijani Opeyemi Akintade and his wife of blessed memory, Mrs Huiainat Taiwo Adejoke, i am greatly indebted.

My special gratitude goes to Dr. LateefAdemola Olatunji FCA, the Rector of The Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara state, who extended. his compassion and love for his students beyond the four walls of the school by accepting to write the foreword for this book in spite of his official tight schedule. I need hardly tell‘you that the production of this book have involved efforts of many experts at different stages. 1 want to express my gratitu

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yusuf olalekan 27-Sep-2020


Maturity is the ability to respond to the environment in an appropriate manner. Maturity does not come only with age, but the ability to know what to do in whatever circumstance without any prompting.

The journey through life requires adequate preparation to make it worthwhile because preparation is the mother of manifestation. In the author's words, “no great height is attained by suddenflight, those who are great in the world tirelessly prepared for their greatness. Life preparations usually determine achievement and success”. This well researched and experimental book will inform you, but more than that, it will set you on track towards maturity and independent life.

If the prospect of living life is endless continuum of errors, and defeat is something that you take exception to, then, take time to read this book and commit to live out the principles therein.

The book is a comprehensive guide for the young ones. The author's experience as a young, diligent and dexter

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