Past Muslim Scientists Let learn more about our forgotten men who made amazing contributions to science and technology.
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yusuf olalekan 07-Sep-2020


Ibn al-Nafis - One of the greatest past Arab Scientists

One of the most famous Arab scholars who added much to the science of medicine through his discovery of the small and major blood circulation in the human body, his pioneering in establishing physiology, in addition to his encyclopedic knowledge that made him a jurist and author in grammar and history, and his medical contributions remained a reference for scholars until the modern era.

The emergence of Ibn al-Nafis

Ibn al-Nafis was born in a village on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Damascus, studied in the bimaristan al-Nuri, learned jurisprudence on the doctrine of Imam al-Shafi’i, and was acquainted with many intellectual achievements of his time, so he studied philosophy and language, and took an interest in the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. Cairo city.

He worked as a doctor in the Nasiriyah Hospital, and after that he became the chief physician in the city during the reign of Sultan Qalawun, and he was also appointed as a private docto

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yusuf olalekan 06-Sep-2020


What did Al-Khwarizmi invented?

What did Al-Khwarizmi invented?

During the reign of Al-Ma'mun, the great scholar Al-Khwarizmi appeared. He was famous for his mathematical achievements that had a major role in the progress and development of mathematics , and he also made many contributions to astronomy and geography, in addition to history.

Definition of Al-Khwarizmi

Al-Khwarizmi is Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, whose origin is from a region called Khwarazm, which is currently called Khaywa and is located in Uzbekistan, and his place of birth was in the city of Baghdad, where he lived in the Abbasid state under the caliphate of al-Ma'mun. In order to benefit from the scientific library (the Treasury of Wisdom ), which was established in the year 832 AD, as the purpose of its establishment was to benefit from what was left by Greek scholars in terms of science and knowledge, and to translate their heritage, and this is what the Caliph Al-Ma'mun was seeking. Al-Khwarizmi was at

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yusuf olalekan 31-Aug-2020


Az-zahrawi of The Andalusian Muslim World

Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas al-Zahrawi (who died after the year 400 AH / 1013AD)

Known in the Western world as Abulcasis, - image source :

He is an Arab Muslim doctor who lived in Andalusia. He is considered the greatest surgeon to have appeared in the Islamic world, and was described by many as the father of modern surgery. The greatest of his contributions to medicine is the book “Al-Tasrif for Those Who Cannot Compose,” which is a medical encyclopedia of thirty volumes. His medical contributions, whether in the medical technologies used or the devices he made, had a great impact in the East and West, so that some of his inventions are still in use today. Al-Zahrawi is the first doctor to describe ectopic pregnancy, and he is also the first to discover the genetic nature of hemophilia.

His biography


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