Knowledge is an endless river To make people acquainted that knowledge has no end and that its path is thorny .
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Hassan Imam Akalanbi 28-Sep-2020

Knowledge is an endless river .

There is a river .

There is a river that has no end .

Its water is as sweet as honey

And in healing the sick ,it is second to none.

If an infant drinks from it ,he will always be revered as a king .

But to drink from it ,perseverance is required

Because the river with thorns, is surrounded .

Lo and behold ,some instructions ,in that river ,are boldly written

And whoever ignores them ,after drinking from the river, will be cursed.

Brother ,better stay away from the river ,if you always ignore instructions .

The river is nothing but knowledge which gives life to the dead .

Versified by :Hassan Imam

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